So this is my last post (for now) of people in DM. This is Erin from "The City" taking "sportswear" to a whole new level. We certainly have pitched the scarf top as wearable in many scenarios... A gun range was never one of them, but hey-if your target practice is improved with some nice charmeuse wrapped around your body and a cool necklace, well more power to ya, and we're psyched to hear it. We love these! Thanks Erin!
Well if Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff's first music video doesn't date me nothing will. Those flat tops and fade-aways were awesome and probably coincided with the age when I bought (and by bought I meas stole out of my sister's closet --the only time in history that act occurred) tie-dye MC Hammer pants (not far from the Harem pants of the moment). Anyway, I digress because whenever I say summertime that song starts playing like theme music in my head. And a few weekends ago was the unofficial start of summer(time) -- memorial day. DM pics start popping up a lot more in warm weather, we're far and away a spring line before we're a fall. Above is a camera phone shot. Erik Schietinger walked out of his bedroom of his Hampton's time share at the same time as Craig Stack, and low and behold, this picture showed up on my phone a few minutes later. Loving everything about double DM.
Let's not even talk about how long it has been. I'm all about looking forward not looking back ;). We've had an influx of pictures from customers recently that are too good not to share. Check these out... Above is Andrew Simon (left). He is photographed here on a recent trip to Bangkok. Specifically, he is at Sirocco. Here is a fun fact for every one's Thursday : Sirocco is the world's HIGHEST al fresco restaurant. The view looks gorgeous, but you might want to X it off your itinerary if your scared of heights.
And below is Andrew and friend at a Muay Thai fight. Andrew pointed out that this one might not fit quite as well with the DM "image" but we take all kinds ;). And we like to show the versatility of the classic DM polo. Takes you from fine dining right into the trenches, looking good at all points in between. Thanks for sharing Andrew!! More pics to come.