Welcome to the first addition of the Dakota Martin girls blogspot blog! Shannon and I have discussed the idea of blogging for probably a year now - we constantly see things around us that inspire our line and our image, accessories that seem like the perfect match for our pieces, and articles/pictures/current trends that remind us of something we have made. All of these are things we would love to share with our customers and website viewers. A short time ago our dear friend Liz Coulson of Linda & Harriett Stationary (http://www.lindaandharriet.com/) started her own blog and motivated us to do the same.
So for today we will just give you a little update on where we are at the moment. Dakota Martin officially has a home! We have moved ourselves into our first office on W38th street (between 8th and 9th) and it is really coming together as our happy little abode -- the walls have been coated in "barely teal" (a DM color, obvi), the desks have been assembled and the garment racks have been rolled in. With the addition of one wonderful intern (who we will introduce tomorrow) and another on the way we legitimately have a little think-tank at last! While our sign outside our door may be a bit crooked, we're proud. And we'll take that imperfection as a sign of the work in progress that we are. Stop by and visit - we would love visitors : )