This weekend I read about this book due out February 5th compiled by Smith Magazine (an online mag) that asked people to describe their lives in 6 words. It is a pretty daunting task if you ask me, and I'm young. What an amazing mix of responses they got - I just love the idea. I love picturing people of all different shapes, sizes, color, ages, backgrounds and educations putting their minds to this task and slowly (or maybe quickly) tapping out these precise words - on computers set tucked in every corner of the world, facing different directions, on kitchen a counter with a steaming coffee mug nestled next to it, in a dorm room with the Dead playing, in a cubicle with hustle and bustle around, alone in a corner office at midnight...minds churning. Then polishing off their six simple words with a definitive period. Period the end. Six particular words to carve out from so many years of life. So many different lives, same formula. Some are funny, some are sad. Here are some interesting examples -
Not as blond as I look. - Ellen Meister
Nobody comes, but I still cook. - Shari Berkowitz
Catholic girl. Jersey. it's all true. - Mary Elizabeth Williams
I still make coffee for two. - Zak nelson
My second grade teacher was right. - Janelle Brown
Fascinating that one location, trait, action, memory sums you up - to you. What would your 6 say?