Hi all,
First I want to apologize for the mass email. Since many of you heard from me this summer as I raised money for Robin Hood, I hate to be sending a similar email out so soon, but I’m so proud of my sister and what she has undertaken, I wanted to at least share that piece of it with you. If you are financially unable to contribute (as we all have our causes), I hope you can at least be inspired by her quest – and perhaps pass this along to those who may be interested.
As many of you know (because I can’t stop talking about it) Jen has been training for the last few months for the Ironman South Africa. For all of those who know her, you know that she has dedicated her life to helping others. While she herself would never describe it that way, when she is not skiing with disabled students she is helping people grow as an instructor for NOLS. Similarly, she has the kindest heart in her private life, so it was no surprise that she took this huge personal goal, and made it yet another experience of giving back. For those of you who where never fortunate enough to know Suzanne Stack, Suzanne was (as Candice and her brother and sister are) an extension of my family. Suzanne is one of the only people in my life I can say I truly strive to be more like in every way and am a better person for having known. She was the most generous, humble, thoughtful and gracious people on this earth – truly an angel. It makes all too much sense, that Jen raise money for this cause and in her name.
Please read her letter below and thanks for taking the time!
xoxo, Lizzy
From: Jen Sall
First I want to apologize for the mass email. Since many of you heard from me this summer as I raised money for Robin Hood, I hate to be sending a similar email out so soon, but I’m so proud of my sister and what she has undertaken, I wanted to at least share that piece of it with you. If you are financially unable to contribute (as we all have our causes), I hope you can at least be inspired by her quest – and perhaps pass this along to those who may be interested.
As many of you know (because I can’t stop talking about it) Jen has been training for the last few months for the Ironman South Africa. For all of those who know her, you know that she has dedicated her life to helping others. While she herself would never describe it that way, when she is not skiing with disabled students she is helping people grow as an instructor for NOLS. Similarly, she has the kindest heart in her private life, so it was no surprise that she took this huge personal goal, and made it yet another experience of giving back. For those of you who where never fortunate enough to know Suzanne Stack, Suzanne was (as Candice and her brother and sister are) an extension of my family. Suzanne is one of the only people in my life I can say I truly strive to be more like in every way and am a better person for having known. She was the most generous, humble, thoughtful and gracious people on this earth – truly an angel. It makes all too much sense, that Jen raise money for this cause and in her name.
Please read her letter below and thanks for taking the time!
xoxo, Lizzy
From: Jen Sall
In June of last year, my good friend planted the seed of my joining her in an Ironman competition. Initially I would not hear a word of it. I could barely swim, I had never done a sprint triathlon much less one of distance, and I was well aware of the time commitment such an undertaking would necessitate. Yet somehow by August, I had paid the entry fee and started my 30-week training program for Ironman South Africa. On April 13th, 2008 I will swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles.A short time into the training I decided to put more meaning behind this effort– both in my training and the actual race day. I want to take this opportunity to honor an individual who has been one of my biggest inspirations in life and in doing so help to raise money for a cause that she was highly invested in. In light of this, my South Africa challenge is being done in the name of Suzanne Stack and her commitment to the Gesu School.I was in 5th grade when I first met Suzanne, the mother of my newfound best friend Candice. What I didn't realize then that I would learn over the next 17 years is that Suzanne is the most selfless, kind, humble, and angelic human being I would ever meet. If you knew Suzanne, you know that you are a better person for having had her in your life. Suzanne touched anyone and everyone she came in contact with. She greeted everyone with a smile and truly saw the sunshine in every situation and every human being. Her love of people, of life, and compassion for others was contagious. Whenever I spent time with Suzanne, I left a happier person. I honestly felt more alive. Suzanne was undoubtedly one of my favorite people on this planet and she also became a mentor to me in ways she never knew. Due to her humility, it was not until Suzanne passed away a year and a half ago that I learned of all she gave not only to those she knew and loved but also to the community at large. Suzanne was very active with and dedicated to helping the Gesu School, an independent Catholic school serving 450 pre-k to 8th grade inner-city children in North Philadelphia. She served on the Board of Trustees, helped orchestrate the annual symposium on inner-city education, and underwrote taking the entire school (10 busloads!) to a Christmas play. She also sponsored two children by funding the full cost of their tuition at Gesu. About 80% of Gesu's students live in single parent households, and most in very low-income families, against tremendous odds almost all of Gesu's alums succeed in high school and beyond.I am often asked what I'm thinking in taking on an Ironman? There is an inherent appeal in challenging myself. Any growth, mental, spiritual, or physical, comes first through challenge, comes from time outside of my comfort zone. Although I did not realize it upon signing up, it has become a celebration of life. It is taking advantage of an able mind and body that affords me such an undertaking. Taking this endeavor and trying to follow in the selfless footsteps of Suzanne, I am looking to create opportunities for others as I have been so fortunate to experience in my lifetime.It is in Suzanne's honor and the spirit of athleticism that I write you. I am aiming to raise over $5,000 for the Gesu School. Much of this will be used for the track and basketball programs, both of which are extremely under-funded with hundreds of passionate students participating.I understand that contributing to my race fund may not be something you can comfortably do. I understand, and thank you for taking the time to hear my story. If you want to help, please donate directly to the Gesu School. Make the tax-deductible donations either online or by sending a check in the mail.
1. Go to http://www.gesuschool.org/
2. Click on "make a Gift" on the top left hand side of the screen
3. Scroll down to "Donate Now"
4. Under 'gift information' please select 'on behalf of' "Jen Sall" OR 'in memory of' "Suzanne Stack"
5. Please select 'acknowledgement of this gift to' jen.sall@gmail.com (unless you would like it to remain anonymous)
6. When making the donation, please name 'Jen Sall's triathlon' in "how did you hear about Gesu School?"
Via check:
1. Send to Christine S. Beck, President Gesu School - 1700 West Thomspon Street, Philadelphia, PA 191212.
Please write "Jen Sall" in the bottom left hand corner of your check.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this! I hope this finds you well in the New Year. With love,Jen Sall