Friday, April 25, 2008

Basta Dresses??

Allison sent me this nymag fashion blog about the New York Times article which lays into an Elle editor for claiming that this coming fall the dress is out. New York Times writes a very one sided article (though they did have many votes in their favor including major buyers and forecasters) for why the dress will stay in. Here is a Lizzy Sall history of the dress and why I think it isn't going anywhere for now. Growing up (once I moved past the pink-and-purple-sparkly-dress-only-phase) I tended to steer clear of dresses. I always loved making a statement and felt that limiting my statement (whether loud or quiet that day) to one article of clothing was too confining and claustrophobic, and as if I was letting the label make the statement instead of making it personally. I swear, these thoughts actually crossed my mind and I wore more pants and skirts. However, my post collegiate years coincided with a huge return of the dress in mainstream shopping. At 23 I had less time to lay out an outfit, I was in significantly warmer temps post Lewiston, ME, and the dress was everywhere. And I began to warm up to it. I filed my first few dress purchases into my closet and in spring and summer they became staples. I realized as long as I chose wisely in color fabric and form (and with so many options now out), they could be totally me, and they are the easiest thing in the world when I am running out the door. 3 years later I have a bit of a dress addiction. And worse, a long dress addiction. And the more dresses I have, the easier it is to rotate a bunch all summer long and never feel like a slob. I think most women agree with me. Of course we will always see more pants in winter and I'm sure the skirt will gain some attention its been denied for the past few years (especially because it is easier to play up the high waisted trend with a skirt than a dress), but for every mom running to take her kids to school, woman just a few minutes late to the office, and weekender wanting to look put together and be comfortable, the dress will remain a staple. In defense of Elle, I am also obsessed with high-waisted pants and the runway could tend this way, but let's be honest - the runway is much more extreme than your average Sally and anything on the runway takes a while to hit the streets. And I haven't even mentioned traveling - one cannot pack so easily with multi part ensembles as they can with dresses - totally my go to in South Africa. So while they're not easy on the wallet, they make life, and stylish life at that, much easier. What consumer is going to deny themselves a slice of that?