It might seem like a very un-Dakota Martin thing to do, but last night I went to Blue Note Jazz in the Village to watch Talib Kweli perform with Hi Tek. I lived across the street From Blue Not for 4 years and never stepped foot inside. I've always wanted to go -- the long lines of obvious music connoisseurs, night after night under the piano awning always intrigued me. And in my eclectic music taste I have always appreciated what I know of Talib (albeit, limited). We I have to say I highly recommend both. Blue note has the old school jazz vibe you expect it too minus a cigarette smoke filled room (thank goodness). Black and mirror panels in a herringbone pattern on the wall, small stage with nothing to hide, and rickety, packed in little tables (so packed I might add, that a neighbors sneeze showered our table and we were unable to finish our glasses of wine :) ).
And Talib is amazingly talented. There was nothing they performed that didn't impress me. A girl named Reese (don't know how to spell it!) performed with them as well, and she had the most GORGEOUS voice I've heard in a very long time. From Philly of course :). My favorite lyric they repeated for a while at the beginning of a song was "if you can talk you can sing, if you can walk you can dance." Words to live by.