...(or Allisinner, Ashley Doody, Alicat) Who passed the New York Barr today!! We had supreme confidence in her ability to do this, but just the same - what a sweet reward for 3 very long years of a lot of work!
Her mother recently had these words to say about her and we couldn't agree more -
You are the best, the smartest, the coolest, the most beautiful, the most fun and the most wonderful young woman in the world, and don't you forget it - - ever - - no matter what. You will get whatever you want, and life is not a race and there is no deadline on anything you want to achieve! I am supremely confident that you will pass this test, because you did your best and your best is WAY more than enough... Regardless of the outcome, you will be in good company, present and past - - and like good NU grads, we know how to party regardless of the outcome of the game!!!
So raise your glass for our dear dear friend. Congrats Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!