Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sepia love.

I just love this old picture. I just love old pictures in general. I think I could write a blog with the stories I dream up in my head for what was going on at these exact moments. Its amazing the nostalgia that the coloring, or fading or fraying can evoke. Maybe the white cracks that feel like cotton balls, and that smell of photos that have been tucked in to shoe boxes for years on end. I think the holidays make us all nostalgic for something. I was talking with a friend this morning about how perfect Christmas feels when you're a wee one. Its like nothing could be wrong in the world if the house smells like pine, there is a fire in the fireplace, cookies on the table, and gifts under the tree. Every Christmas my sister and I would build a fort in her room and sleep there. We would slide open the big glass doors to the slate patio out back and leave a bunch of carrots on the ground. Then we'd place my mom's famous chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk on the coffee table. Every year, the predictable joke out of my father's mouth that Santa didn't look like he needed any more cookies and that maybe we should leave him carrots too. But I digress because this is really about the picture. You feel the same sort of innocence in playful smiles like these. They may not be 6 and listening for reindeer on the roof, but I like to think that at this exact moment they felt that innocent and blissful. I have so many pictures like this I can't get enough of. Quick moments of my grandfather kissing my grandmother, or just the two of them laughing together. I would say I am borderline photograph obsessed and can spend countless hours tearing my poor mother's organization apart to look at us running arond in 8os mini running shorts or on our big wheels. So this photograph is my friend's parents. She carries it around in her wallet, and its getting so light the moment has all but faded away. I took it from her a few months back to scan in on my computer so that there would be some copy of it somewhere where you can see these high school sweethearts paling around in the sun. I sent her and her mother a copy and it has sat on my desktop ever since. I like it too much to file away or toss. So here it is. And below is the girl in the photograph in her Dakota Martin poncho ;)