Topshop opens Stateside today here in Soho. For those of you unfamiliar, Topshop is a British chain that is a bit reminiscent of H&M. It is an incredibly low priced store with very current trends. Above is a Kate Moss design -- how hot is this dress? It is $250, which is higher than their average price point, but hey -- it is Kate Moss and it is a serious little number. You're not finding a comparable dress for $250 anywhere else. And clearly Topshop and Dakota Martin think alike -- how great is this Liberty print (again KM) cami?? Bargain basement price of $70 (again, with the KM name attached it is a bit pricier).
And this might be my favorite -- a poplin bomber jacket. Very reminiscent of something any one of my family members would have rocked in the 80s. In fact it might end up in my shopping cart... And only $70.00 for a jacket! Love. I cant even call these three products the tip of the iceberg because like H&M the options are endless and in every department. Check it out online here, or brave Soho, but I think that visit might be a full contact sport for a few weeks.