A friend Shannon and I met in St. Barts recently started this website/blog -PS - I made this. I am totally loving the materials and finished product images so far. It seriously seriously brought me back to my crafting days, and made me sad I don't do anything of the sort any more. My poor patient mother would help me through the countless stocking dolls (yup--made from old stockings and pillow stuffing of my mothers. My grandmother still has them all over her room, poor thing - they're a bit frightening), pillows, skirts, bedazzled anythings. I tie-dyed, splatter painted and glue-gunned anything I could get my hands on (had the mini version of my mom's). Truth be told if I wasn't on the waterfront at camp (my true love) skiing, sailing or swimming, you could probably find me at sewing making scrunchies and pillows. Even through college, I made a mini quilt for one friend and a full quilt for another. Granted these project were all very flawed with love, but it just feels great to used your hands and really make something. I guess these days when I use my hands for projects + gifts it generally involves food (and my mother is still patient as ever answering her cell phone to my endless moronic questions), but this site is really moving me to re-expand my mediums. Thoughts some of you might enjoy Erica's talent too!