It’s amazing how much we react, both knowingly and unknowingly, to color and the different shades and combinations of it out there. Some of us stop and notice these things during every day moments and allow ourselves to appreciate these found or happenstance pairings, while others pass over them as insignificant. While Shannon is in Colorado for the holiday I am in Northern California with my younger sister and father. My attention to my senses is heightened being in a new environment. While I love New York City, it’s a wonderful change to smell shrubs and bay, and to notice the color of morning glories against their vines or plums squashed on the sidewalk. While it sounds cliché I take these things with me and I incorporate them in my life and in our line. One of my absolute favorite colors has always been red wine. I love seeing it spilled on different fabrics and the remnants of it in glasses. Today we visited Frog’s Leap Vineyard in Napa Valley. In the structure that housed the barrels of fermenting red wine were hundreds of Oak vessels where the wine has seeped through and stained the manila color. I was very taken with the colors of these two things and the silver stripes running through, and I wanted to share them with you (and of course Michael and Kathryn - with a lovely pink Ports Polo).