A familiar facade of hydrangeas and a Nantucket elevation never seemed more welcoming.... Gathered in celebration of friendship, playful hearts fill this week with appreciation and enjoyment of the salt water, native cuisine and most importantly each other. Day dreaming has never played such significance, as we find ourselves emulating the youth unscathed by influences of our day to day. For the return visitors, thank you for your introduction and the first timers to the island I assure, are already looking forward next summer. Thank you so much - John Corbin.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A familiar facade of hydrangeas and a Nantucket elevation never seemed more welcoming.... Gathered in celebration of friendship, playful hearts fill this week with appreciation and enjoyment of the salt water, native cuisine and most importantly each other. Day dreaming has never played such significance, as we find ourselves emulating the youth unscathed by influences of our day to day. For the return visitors, thank you for your introduction and the first timers to the island I assure, are already looking forward next summer. Thank you so much - John Corbin.