When I was younger I saved everything. Every concert ticket, free hat, menu--anything that could be considered a memento or token of something I was apart of. I've always been a sentimental person, and as Ive said recently, I love photos new and old. My father is a firm believer in always looking forward and never looking back. I like to think I have a decent balance of both though. (okay have developed a decent balance, crying till I couldn't breathe every August when Matoaka ended, or not being able to move my packed duffles out of my room into the car for college was not well balanced) I will always cherish my camp scrapbooks that have every campfire program and bus note written to me, but I'm also not stuck somewhere in my "glory days" (ha-maybe I never had any??) and love where I am and all the places I could be going. I've also done a lot of moving recently including right now. New apartment, layover at my dad's, work at new apartment, moving out of office... The more I move and clean the better I am at throwing things out. In fact I'm quite good at it these days. There is something so therapeutic about ridding yourself of c-r-a-p. So why can't I throw out these old August-to-August calenders? I just found them making room for my office-wares. Maybe it's because I flip them open and land on pictures of a spur-of-the-moment road trip Pawley's Island, or Newman Day at Bates (for another time). And see notes from April 2003 like this "Take pics @ Mercato Centrale & go to material store over Arno & San Lorenzo" (ahhh, to go back), or calender months in 2004 where in two weeks I'm installing my own Gallery show, brunching at a quaint rural farm (Nezinscot - love the goats!) and actually scheduling "keg here" on a random night. Who inks that in their calender?? I have such fond memories of my past. I hope I do the same thing 5 years from now when I look back at my calenders. Ill make room for this heifer of a printer, but I'm not tossing these guys ;).