Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We're All Cutting Back.

Big decision was made in the DM office today. We don't want to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that every little bit of retail is not in trouble right now. So while we have yet to see what fall 09 buying will bring we're anticipating apprehensive buyers and spring cancellations and want to eliminate as many bills as possible. Overhead is the devil, and we'd rather spend our money making more samples, getting our names out more, selling more goods. What is out biggest overhead you ask? Rent. We worked out of our apartments once... and we think its time to do it again. We're sad to say good-bye to our pale teal walls but ya gotta do what you gotta do. So today is purging day, which actually feels quite good. Out with the crap, in with the new year. We know 09 will bring good things, we just want to make sure it has enough time to prove itself ;).