Thursday, January 31, 2008
JLS in should be DM

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
"Not Quite What I Was Planning"

Not as blond as I look. - Ellen Meister
Nobody comes, but I still cook. - Shari Berkowitz
Catholic girl. Jersey. it's all true. - Mary Elizabeth Williams
I still make coffee for two. - Zak nelson
My second grade teacher was right. - Janelle Brown
Fascinating that one location, trait, action, memory sums you up - to you. What would your 6 say?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bleary eyed and up to our knees...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday Night Lights.

Friday, January 25, 2008
Our Buddy.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Extra + Susan Ciminelli + DM = Made-over!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Official Pics.

A few months ago Shannon posted a few candids from her sister Annie's wedding, with the promise of more... Here is a great shot of the beautiful bride and all of the bridesmaids in our Evas! Sort of nice to see the vibrant colors and tan skin in these frigid temps... A reminder of what is to come. We love the look of the sweet pink and the green and white flowers - good taste Annie :).
Friday, January 18, 2008
"Attitudes Are The Real Disabilities"

I hope most of you are off on Monday. DM overlooks some holidays when there is work to be done, but this weekend I am headed out to Breckenridge to see my sister and friends (and ski if it warms up) and Shannon is headed home to see friends and family. Of course since it is MLK weekend one is theoretically supposed to make Monday a day of service. I am feeling a little guilty that I am not. To make myself feel a teensy bit better, I figured I would take this post to promote the program that my sister works for during the winter - The BOEC (Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center), in Breckenridge, CO. She has the day off Monday, and doesn't need to feel guilty about it because she spends the rest of her days teaching adaptive skiing. She'll kill me when she reads this, but every day is really a day of service for her - I often find myself bragging about her to other people, and I can't help it.
The BOEC is a not for profit organization started in 1976. As they describe on their website they serve "people with physical, cognitive, and sensory disabilities, people from low-income backgrounds or disadvantaged environments, people looking for more team unity in their workplace, people learning English as their second language. . . the list goes on and on. Courses are custom-designed for specific agency groups and individuals are welcome to sign up for our open-enrollment programs... A wise bumper sticker once read: "Attitudes are the real disabilities." The BOEC endorses that sticker and welcomes all who are interested to become part of a very unique family." They have dedicated employees and interns who work for next to nothing, and a slew of volunteers that come from far and wide in Colorado to assist on lessons. The stories Jen is able to tell me day in and day out about the fascinating people she is able to teach or assist is awe-inspiring. In fact, she is the one who should have a blog because if we all heard about these amazing people and families more often, we would be shamed by our daily trivial concerns. I won't attempt to repeat any of her stories because second-hand and this small amount of space won't do them justice. Maybe she'll be a guest writer on Monday :).
I'm lucky enough to say I wish I was more like my sister and am lucky to have her as an example in my life. Check out the BOEC if you're interested in using this organization as a way to give back, and enjoy your long weekend.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sub-zero or Not.

I know this is an odd time of year for this post, especially since it is supposed to be the most bitter it has been all season this weekend in NYC, but perhaps that just shows our dedication... I hate jumping on bandwagons. I don't particularly like trends (of course I can't resist when they = great fashion). So I held out on trying Pinkberry for a long time. And then I denied liking it for longer. The fact that Paris and Lindsay are spotted by Page 6 (which I read religiously) there was reason enough to stick to Tasti-d-lite and TCBY. But a girl can only hold out so long. An array of cereals, fresh fruit and frozen yogurt? Literally three of my favorite things on earth. I've caved in recent months and have been a Pinkberry fan ever since - and they're popping up all over the city.
So the arrival two days ago of COFFEE to the limited flavor choices made my week. I already inject the stuff into my bloodstream every morning, and couldn't be happier to add it to my desserts. Its creamy texture and rich tangy flavor remind me of standing on my tippy-toes, pulling yellow and white Dannon cups out of my parent's fridge and peeling back the foil when I was young and thought it was the only good form of the beans (how little I knew).
I do have to add though, Red Mango - the lesser known predecessor of Pinkberry, just opened directly across the street from PB on Bleecker and is great as well. Same exact thing, but now it'll be a struggle to choose between the two - more cereals at Red Mango, Coffee at Pinkberry. So while others have tunnel vision for a piping earl grey or tomato soup in January, I throw on an extra fleece and head for my yogurt.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Silent Bobs

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
She's Making a List...

Monday, January 14, 2008
Free to Buy Beautiful Handmade Jewelry!

Friday, January 11, 2008
In the Name of Scarf Tops.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
We're Baaaaaack!

We took them to Tartine for dinner, and during our non-busy hours Melissa taught us the magic that is Black Berry Messaging. Who knew it existed? Well we do now... And we only wish more people had black berrys. Its dangerous though - IM on your phone. I love my black berry as much as I wish it didnt exist and this is only going to heighten both ends. Next stop with these girls is Vegas in February for the Project show - Look out!

Friday, January 4, 2008
Welcome Dakota Martin Bucks!

Here is a sneak peek of the new DM logo - Shannon and I are very excited about it! Our cute little bucks were designed by the very talented Vanessa Luchtan and we're excited to plaster them everywhere!
We hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and we apologize in advance that we will be absent at the beginning of next week. We will be joining the girls from The Great Room - our LA Showroom, at the Intermezzo show at the show Piers on the westside highway - we're hoping to drum up some new business so wish us lots of luck, and tell any store owners you know that we're stationed right near the lunch cafe ;). Cheers and TGIF.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
She Found Us!

shefinds.com found Dakota Martin again yesterday, while honoring Gossip Girl style... Shefinds thinks you might need a poncho to be as cool as Blair. We agree its a good start - we have the poncho, we love it - but we cannot tell a lie - we still aspire to be Blair. We don't care if she is 8 years younger than us (really only 6-makes us feel better), she's the coolest thing to happen to the Upper East Side in a while. Thanks Shefinds!! We also want to direct your attention to the NYmag blog/recap about each episode. We love it. If you're a fan, and you don't have to be bashful about it--as you can see we're not, check it out.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Cheers to 2008!

Well it's a new year and we're ready for a fresh start. But we do want to be careful of being thankful for what has taken us happily and healthfully into 2008. As we were celebrating Monday night a friend told us she had spent the afternoon making a list of things she was thankful for this past year. Ever since my mind has had a running list of things Im thankful for. Here is a random sampling of the long long lists that Shannon and I have:
Shannon is thankful for in 2007 are the beautiful celebration of her sister Annie Casey's marriage to Drew Milligan this past September. She is thankful that Intermix has placed an order with us that we will deliver this February, and she is thankful for our favorite day of the year - the hunt 2007, which was a ridiculously fun day. She is thankful for the Timbaland remix of Apologize.
I am thankful for office space (no matter how cold it is right now) so that Dakota Martin has a place to hang its hat every day. I am thankful for text messaging -- as annoying as it can be, it can also be quick ray of sunshine letting you know someone is thinking about you when a phone call would be impossible. I am thankful for a certain voice that barked evenly and confidently at me as I ran the last mile of the marathon with everything I had left. I am thankful for 5 days spent in LA to celebrate the wedding of one of my favorite people in the world. I'm not going to lie, I'm thankful for construction men. You can be having your ugliest day of the entire year in sweatpants, and if you walk past a little drilling there is some wave, some smile, some hello to make you laugh and remind you that you are recognizable as a female. Im thankful for sunshine greeting cards with peppermint patties and blowpops when Im down in the dumps. I am thankful for Alicia Keyes new song No One.
And our lists go on and on. I could write novels on why I'm thankful for each member of my family and each of my friends, but I won't put you all through that. Instead, a picture of the girls at Susan's wedding - which was a fantastic addition to the holiday bashes bringing 2007 to a close.
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