Well it's a new year and we're ready for a fresh start. But we do want to be careful of being thankful for what has taken us happily and healthfully into 2008. As we were celebrating Monday night a friend told us she had spent the afternoon making a list of things she was thankful for this past year. Ever since my mind has had a running list of things Im thankful for. Here is a random sampling of the long long lists that Shannon and I have:
Shannon is thankful for in 2007 are the beautiful celebration of her sister Annie Casey's marriage to Drew Milligan this past September. She is thankful that Intermix has placed an order with us that we will deliver this February, and she is thankful for our favorite day of the year - the hunt 2007, which was a ridiculously fun day. She is thankful for the Timbaland remix of Apologize.
I am thankful for office space (no matter how cold it is right now) so that Dakota Martin has a place to hang its hat every day. I am thankful for text messaging -- as annoying as it can be, it can also be quick ray of sunshine letting you know someone is thinking about you when a phone call would be impossible. I am thankful for a certain voice that barked evenly and confidently at me as I ran the last mile of the marathon with everything I had left. I am thankful for 5 days spent in LA to celebrate the wedding of one of my favorite people in the world. I'm not going to lie, I'm thankful for construction men. You can be having your ugliest day of the entire year in sweatpants, and if you walk past a little drilling there is some wave, some smile, some hello to make you laugh and remind you that you are recognizable as a female. Im thankful for sunshine greeting cards with peppermint patties and blowpops when Im down in the dumps. I am thankful for Alicia Keyes new song No One.
And our lists go on and on. I could write novels on why I'm thankful for each member of my family and each of my friends, but I won't put you all through that. Instead, a picture of the girls at Susan's wedding - which was a fantastic addition to the holiday bashes bringing 2007 to a close.