I bet you're asking and trust me I'm asking myself. Why do I have 4 pairs of yellow shoes? Yellow isn't even my favorite color. I put a pair on this morning in honor of this nice weather, and I looked up on a shelf and another pair of yellow shoes caught my eye. It does cause a moment of pause when one realizes they have 4 pairs of yellow shoes, so I slipped the flat ones off, and lined all four up on my window sill for a group shot (I hope my father doesn't read this - he will be
disappointed in my lack of practicality). Clearly they are something I enjoy though - I realized 3 are associated with birthday purchases - 2 this year - oops. So I guess as far as shoe color goes, to hell with practicality - I'll keep the collection going, and let my yellow make my step a little springier than any other color.
(next over purchased items of clothing I could discuss - navy pants and clutches... or should I say satchels, Al?)