Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This morning I started throwing things away in my room and I couldn't stop. It was a great spring purge that will make room for a new puppy. Included in the trash pile was about 2 years worth of Bon Apetit and Food and Wine Magazines. I know I'm crazy for holding onto them, especially with a small apartment and all the recipes accessible online. But there is something about flipping those glossy pages and the beautiful pictures that makes me hold on to them. I mean, what if tomorrow I realize I need to make the Thanksgiving roasted turkey with chive butter, and sage and squash stuffing that's on page 159 of December '06? Let us not forget that could only be after the epiphany of that recipe and the issue and the page... I got it, I threw them out.
This issue in particular I had held onto mainly for this cover picture - how beautiful are the deep black-purples, peachy creams, greens and aquas? I want to wear this cover palette. And of course I want to eat this cover image. Even the name sounds like a Langston Hughes poem as it rolls off my tongue - "Skillet Blackberry Cobbler with Peach Ice Cream." I have to enunciate every last sound and the words transport me to a far off place. Cooking magazines are works of art far beyond the gorgeous casserole the will guide you through. I guess I just need to learn to enjoy them for a shorter time and then let them go (RIP collection).
PS. A Miss Regina Readling was very insulted yesterday that names are so often mentioned on the blog, and her was NOT in reference to the "friend" that sent me thesartorialist.blogspot.com to take a look at. Thanks for sending it Mama! Loving it.