That is Russian for "Vogue in Russian." And this is an image from their November issue. There has been a lot of talk about the Russian Vogue editrix, AlionaDoletskaya, lately (my main source - page 6) and her possible take over of the ever present Anna Wintour? Bologna, she says in a recent NY Times article. Even if the mag was introduced 10 years ago during downtrodden times, and their circulation is now up to 200,000 and their ad pages to 340 (US Vogue ad pages were way way down this fall, even lower than other US mags).
We're happy to see fashion is being noticed and studied over there. We also like that this style section article says of Russian fashion, "Yet in Moscow, where Vogue has its offices, tastes are shifting, as reflected by the stepped-up presence of American designers in her magazine. 'The full-on extravagance, the red lipstick, the diamonds, the furs, all that is passé,' she said firmly. “'The Russians are getting far more sophisticated.'”