Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween! I've already had great treats this morning. As I put on my spirited gear (orange underwear, orange scarf, orange down vest) I found $60 in my pocket from last winter. Hooray! No morning treat like finding forgotten $$ in pocket. Ive already seen some kiddies on the street that have me seriously beat. It doesn't get much cuter than full on furry tigger suit walking up 8th avenue, hand in hand with both parents. Anyway, here is Shannon's and my treat to all of you. This photo is circa 1998.
Brookie, Jen, Stephanie, Paige, Libby, Allison, and I went to the Haverford School Halloween dance as mission impossible girls. After running out of water in our guns, and a few death threats in that gym we peaced out to find fun of our own. Let's just say our costumes came in handy for our chosen activities and we still talk about the glory of that high school night.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Lights, camera...

Dakota Martin had a field trip today to a beautiful sunny studio on the way west side. We were invited there by our friend Liz who works at Ford Models. In the studio Shannon and I did on camera interviews (yikes) about Dakota Martin and a few specific looks. Then we had a gorgeous Ford model put each look on for the camera. While neither of us are sure how eloquent we sounded, it was a very fun little morning and everyone we got to work with was great! In a short time you'll be able to view the interview (again, yikes) and looks on youtube. For now you can check out our dear friend Beth of Jewelry by Beth Lauren ( http://www.bethlauren.com/ ) during her interview and modeling of her beautiful jewelry -- Ford Models Youtube clip .
Thanks for having us Lizzie! And congrats on your 60,000 hits Beth! Here was our favorite comment on Beth's video --
"I applaude Beth Lauren for following her dream. She's using the "Ford model" image to promote herself, so good for her. Let her be an inspiration to all of you, that with You Tube, some hot models,and a decent product, your dreams CAN come true. At least she can say SHE gave it a go, how about you?"
We couldn't agree more : ). Stay tuned for our video post...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Good Surprises!

Friday, October 26, 2007
Store Adore

Just this past Tuesday on Oprah -- Meredith Barnett was on the show as a seasoned and savvy shopper. Meredith and Cristina Miller started the company Store Adore.
Check out Dakota Martin at First Date in Andover, MA:

"The clothing is girlish and crisp with an edge of prep, and includes dresses by Shoshanna and Dakota Martin (designed by a Main Line duo)"...Check out www.storeadore.com to read more!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Eat Your Greens.
Spinach Print - www.patriciacurtan.com
This summer I spent a week out west in Northern California. Its so beautiful out there Im not sure how I got myself back on the plane to come home. My friend Kate welcomed me into her wonderful and quirky home of self sustaining Berkeley grad students and we spent the days hiking and evenings at Farmer's Markets. It doesn't get much better than that. In North Berkeley she showed me Chez Panisse - Alice Water's restuarant. While they didnt have room for us to eat there, I was intruiged by her sustainable cooking and activism in shaping up the condition of how kids eat in schools today. So when I returned to NYC I went to check out her cookbook. I was so enamored by the artwork in the book I don't think I looked at one recipe (which I'm sure are amazing).

So Ive now been visiting Patricia Curtan's site for 4 months and it still boggles my mind that prints of fruit and vegetables can be such engaging pieces of art. At first I was upset to see that the actual prints are so tiny (most well under a foot high), but Ive come to regard them as little treasures. No matter how many times I look, I love them. I fully plan on purchasing a small set next time I redecorate. For now, Ill continue to click on my favorites, and line them up on the site to see what combinations are most visually pleasing!
PS. My hike out to Point Reyes with Kate and Kim was my favorite - I highly reccommend it to anyone who makes it up there!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Pumpkin Time.

Anyway I walked out of my apartment this morning, pre-sunrise with my ipod on, and was happy to be greeted by the drop (however slight) in temperature (even if my fleece might have been an aggressive choice). As I acknowledged the temperature Bruce was singing Thunder Road to me. It is one of my all time faves and he sang - Like a vision she dances across the porch as the radio plays. I think Ive always pictured this scene as summer, but today I saw fall. Mary was dancing and there were orange leaves and rocking chairs and I am reminded of how much I love this season. Fall is the best because it is carefree and wholesome. It is back-to-school, walking across the quad, bundling up time. So today I wanted to share some of my favorite things about fall (besides those hot blue sweats, and Shan's overalls).
- Jumping in leave piles (even if its been a while)
- apple picking, apple crisp
- crossing west 4th at the exact same spot every morning in the dark so I can smell the fresh coffee brewing and croissant baking, wafting out of Patisserie Claude into the chilly air after his August vacation.
- Pumpkin carving
- Corduroy, sweaters and scarves
- Trick-or-treaters (even if we don't get any on 6th ave)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Gossip Girl Fever.

Monday, October 22, 2007
Another Year Come and Gone.

THANKS again!! : )
Friday, October 19, 2007
A forgotton Art.

I would say that its age, but I don't think my younger sister and her friends regularly make mix CDs and have coveted black nylon zip boxes that house these jems.
I cant lie (even if I get major nerd points for it), my mixtape making has slowed, but never stopped. And probably only two years ago I made mix cds for a friend in a serious slump, and she told me it was one of the nicest things anyone had done for her. So if you sheepishly wish you still gave or received--Don't despair. I think they've been off the market long enough that its high time - like leggings from the 80s or rompers from the 40s - that they came back into fashion.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Don't Worry Darlin'

I think when ever we listen to Bruce Springsteen we are reminded of the love and pride someone can feel for their country, their state, and their job. And we are reminded that there are people in this world that do everything with fire and conviction no matter how many times they have done it before. As we watched him poor sweat and belt out Born to Run I couldnt help but be in awe of someone who is able to love what they do over and over and over again. As an audience member you can feel his joy and pride as he sings songs to you that he's be singing for 30 years, like its the first time the those lyrics have left his lips.
And in addition to this teaching by example, Bruce's lyrics often strike a chord with me. at 25 I feel like I've had countless conversations with friends who are beautiful, smart and motivated, and yet have reached a point out of College where they feel unsettled and scared at not knowing where they are in life, or where they are headed. Bruce reminded me of all those conversations and the worries Shannon and I have day in and day out when he sang the lyrics -
Don't worry, darlin'No baby, don't you fret - We're livin' in the future, And none of this has happened yet
So while today's posting isnt about Shannon's and my work directly, I was reminded last night that perhaps if I adopt a bit more of his conviction and vitality and worried a little bit less about what every second is adding up to I can relax into knowing Dakota Martin and my life, will head where they should, and there's nothing wrong with having a little fun along the way.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

While Lizzy is busy working away on Fall 08 samples back in NYC, I have ventured down south to visit my dear friends Liza Wynne and John Olympitis in Atlanta, Georgia! I am currently on the search for new boutiques to carry Dakota Martin. If anyone has suggestions feel free to send them my way - email me at shannon@dakotamartin.com and I be sure to stop in to check it out!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Countdown is On!

Here at Dakota Martin we're putting the finishing touches on our preparations for this weekend. Cases of champagne are purchased, sandwiches are ordered and the video camera is dusted off.
We just want to shout out one final reminder of the details if youre one of the 50 joining us on the bus, or 10 more joining us for the plot.
Pick up: 8 am @ 317 6th Avenue (at West 3rd - A,C,E,B,D,F,V stop exactly here and the 1 stops one block west on Christopher Street). Dont be late or the bus will hit the Holland Tunnel without you!
*Breakfast and mimosas served on board.
Location: Plot # 1160, Far Hills, New Jersey
*sandwiches, snacks, dessert and beer served all day.
Departure: 4:45 from Far Hills @ the same spot the bus dropped us off.
REMINDER: YOU MUST PURCHASE ONE OF THESE EVENT TICKETS at Bar Martignetti, CK Bradley or Chelsea Wine Vault IN ADDITION to what you have paid us.
Cant wait to see you all eeeaaaaaarly saturday morning! Pray for sun, prepare for rain.
lots of love,
Lizzy and Shannon
Cell phones in case of saturday morning issues:
Shannon - 610.247.8700
Lizzy - 610.304.8649
Monday, October 15, 2007
When He's Right...

... He's right. And trust me I hate to admit it. Well, maybe not in this case because him being right highlights the superiority of our product. But usually Ill argue any side of an argument to try to prove him wrong. My father this is. He's pretty sure (and trust me when I say this goes beyond any confident assertive person you know) that he has, through his extensive reading, quick mind, and discerning eye, become pretty much all knowing on every topic under the sun. This obviously extends to fashion. I can't even recount all the phone calls Ive gotten with lightbulb ideas for our line. Naturally when we decided to make a men's polo shirt he had his two cents for us. And by two cents, I mean a polo shirt from every line on the market, and what the highlight of that particular shirt was -- be it fabrication, collar length, shoulder fit, etc. He had his ideal shirt figured out down to the square inch. If you're curious what the total of that equation is, check out the DM men's polo. He wears one almost every day, and cannot tell me enough times how right he was with all his chosen details.
While Shannon and I have decided its not quite the right time in our line's growth to go down the road of a men's line, we do love having something to offer guys and we couldn't help but get a kick out of this article in GQ. According to this little piece, not only would Arnold Palmer, the "Elvis Presley of sports," Love our polo for its slim cut sleeves, but GQ agrees with our whole cut - "A polo shirt should be formfitting. It's sleeves should hug your biceps, and its body should fit snugly around your torso." Just like Michael Sall requested it.

Friday, October 12, 2007
Edressme Shoot.

Meet Brittney! Yesterday Brittney modeled much of our fall line at a shoot at the offices of edressme. This was Shannon's and my first experience working with someone else's models/photographer/etc. While there is no replacing Alana and Ports we had a great experience seeing our stuff on someone else and in a different setting. We look forward to working with edressme. Keep your eyes out - we should be up on the site in the next week or so. And keep you eye out for Brittney in this winter's Abercrombie catalog.
Happy weekend!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Daily Pearls of Wisdom.

Last night I was talking with my friend Kel. We were discussing public speaking and the fear of it. Her brother's two year sober anniversary is today and he often goes to High Schools and groups to talk about reaching the point that he has. He was recently telling Kelly that he showed up at one thinking he was speaking to a group of 40, and it turned out he was speaking to 400. She of course assumed he went into a state of panic, as most of us would, but it turns out he was thrilled to have an auditorium full instead of a classroom.
In High School we were required to give an assembley to the entire High School as a graduation requirement. This was of course a huge deal. Not only did you have to stand up and share a piece of your own writing, but you had to do it infront of 200 girls watching your every move. I did mine on the Oglala-Lakota Sioux American Indians and Shannon did hers on smoking. A huge feat for an 18 year old - in fact Im not sure that Ive spoken infront of 200+ people since.
So Kel and I were discussing our dislike of the art that is public speaking. Shannon and I spoke infront of a club at our high school two days ago. Im not sure you can call talking in front of 30 16 year olds public speaking, but just the same, I could feel the awkwardness as I began with all eyes on me. As Jerry Seinfeld pointed out - statistically most people would rather be IN the coffin at a funeral than giving the Eulogy.
So what is my point you ask? Well, I mentioned to Kel that before we spoke I said to Shannon that 30 girls was a lot. And that Shannon looked at me and said very matter of factly, well you're going to say the same thing in front of 30 girls that you would in front of 6 right? And I thought about it for a second before nodding and agreeing. It was a good point, and when I relayed it to Kel on the phone it was like a lightbulb went off. She was thrilled at the rationale and said she would definitely have it in mind next time she spoke at a business meeting our anywhere else. I thought it should be shared here in case it helped anyone else as well. Its that or there is always picturing the audience in their underwear, but for some reason that has always seemed like far too much of an effort to me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Women with a purpose!
Last night Dakota Martin was at the The Saturday Club. The Club has been in continuous existence for more than 125 years. These women have been leaders in community outreach and civic issues since our inception. The Annual Holiday Market was raising money for women and children in the Greater Philadelphia area.
To learn more - The Saturday Club - www.saturdayclub.org
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hives For Lives.

Tomorrow Shannon and I are going to our High School - Agnes Irwin - to talk to a club called Hives for Lives. When we were first contacted to do this we were honored to be asked, and it just so happened we would be in PA that day, so it was perfect. We didn't think about it too much at first, but as the day has been approaching Shannon and I have looked closer at this club. This "club" deserves a more dignified name for all the good theyre doing.
Here is their note on their website --
Hi! We are Molly and Carly and we are now 15 and 13. Four years ago our grandfather died very suddenly from cancer of the throat. He was very young. We wanted to do something to remember him and to make sure that others would not get sick and die like he did.
Our other grandparents have bee hives and we help them harvest the honey every year. One day, we all figured out that we could actually sell the honey and donate all the money to the American Cancer Society. We also came up with the name Hives for Lives. We sold jars and rounds of honey for the first time in 2004.
We went to our school, our friends, our parents' work, our church , and told our story about our grandfather and our project to help. At the end of that first year, we were asked to give our first check for over $2,000 at the annual American Cancer Society ball.
Last year we raised another $10,000. This year, we have donated another $9,000. In total we have donated over $ 22,000 in just over three years. We now have thirteen hives. As of March of 2006 we now even have official 501c3 status and are expanding our sales nationally. We are recruiting other kids to sell and raise bees along with us as HELPER BEES. We have started a club at our school called the Young Business Women: Hives for Lives Club. We have already sold in 13 states and Puerto Rico! So -- if you love honey, let us know if you want to help!
Im am so very impressed with everything these girls are doing. What they have built in a year at their age is amazing. And all in the name of helping others. I have a feeling they will have a lot more to offer us tomorrow, than the advice shannon and I can offer them.
You can go to their site - www.hivesforlives.com and make your honey purchase (what a perfect hostess gift over the holidays!) today.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Daily Candy - A Knock Out...Boston

October 8, 2007
A Knock Out
You’re a brave one. Ice climbing, kite boarding, baking for the entire office — bring it on.
Meanwhile, first dates (and figuring out what to wear on them) leave you cowering in fear.
But before you run screaming naked from the room, think of Keri and Brianne Barrett, two sisters who can calm your nerves and dress your bod. They’ve just opened First Date, a new boutique in Andover where you’ll find a superlative date ensemble — no matter what the venue — from labels like Dakota Martin and Corey Lynn Calter.
The azure-colored room is divided into four date-themed sections. Just Cocktails has dressy denim and tops; Sunday Stroll features tees and jersey dresses; Rent-a-Movie puts up soft henleys; and Soiree is filled with prim dresses for weddings, plus a few sublime pieces for anything glam.
With these girls in your corner, you can tackle just about anything.
Including your date.
First Date, 28 Chestnut Street, Andover (978-247-8999 or shopfirstdate.com).
Friday, October 5, 2007
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Last night I got home from the office to this special treat. I was so excited when I saw them on the Linda & Harriett site that I ordered them immediately and forgot that I had! What a a pleasant surprise to find in my apartment. Buying such an adorable item that supports a great cause has three upsides: I get the satisfation of writing a note on such a beautiful work of art, my receiver gets an unexpected and quality piece of snail mail (instant day-brightner), and Memorial Sloan-kettering gets a check to further their efforts to cure cancer. Sounds like an amazing deal all around.
Shannon and I just discussing how great they are, so we wanted to spread the word - pick up your pack at www.lindaandharriett.com !
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Key Fall Pieces

From this month's Bazaar (one of my favorite fashion advice mags)
Please turn your attention to number one, number three and number five :
1. Throw on a Cape.
2. Pick up a preppy plaid.
5. "The refined turtleneck can be a key piece in any woman's day or evening ensemble."
I think www.dakotamartin.com can help you with all three. See: Charlie and Mills poncho, Coulson Blazer and Allison Mini. (Plus we're all for 2 and 3 - everybody loves a few gold highlights in the fall)
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