Spinach Print - www.patriciacurtan.com

This summer I spent a week out west in Northern California. Its so beautiful out there Im not sure how I got myself back on the plane to come home. My friend Kate welcomed me into her wonderful and quirky home of self sustaining Berkeley grad students and we spent the days hiking and evenings at Farmer's Markets. It doesn't get much better than that. In North Berkeley she showed me Chez Panisse - Alice Water's restuarant. While they didnt have room for us to eat there, I was intruiged by her sustainable cooking and activism in shaping up the condition of how kids eat in schools today. So when I returned to NYC I went to check out her cookbook. I was so enamored by the artwork in the book I don't think I looked at one recipe (which I'm sure are amazing).
So Ive now been visiting Patricia Curtan's site for 4 months and it still boggles my mind that prints of fruit and vegetables can be such engaging pieces of art. At first I was upset to see that the actual prints are so tiny (most well under a foot high), but Ive come to regard them as little treasures. No matter how many times I look, I love them. I fully plan on purchasing a small set next time I redecorate. For now, Ill continue to click on my favorites, and line them up on the site to see what combinations are most visually pleasing!
PS. My hike out to Point Reyes with Kate and Kim was my favorite - I highly reccommend it to anyone who makes it up there!