Anyway I walked out of my apartment this morning, pre-sunrise with my ipod on, and was happy to be greeted by the drop (however slight) in temperature (even if my fleece might have been an aggressive choice). As I acknowledged the temperature Bruce was singing Thunder Road to me. It is one of my all time faves and he sang - Like a vision she dances across the porch as the radio plays. I think Ive always pictured this scene as summer, but today I saw fall. Mary was dancing and there were orange leaves and rocking chairs and I am reminded of how much I love this season. Fall is the best because it is carefree and wholesome. It is back-to-school, walking across the quad, bundling up time. So today I wanted to share some of my favorite things about fall (besides those hot blue sweats, and Shan's overalls).
- Jumping in leave piles (even if its been a while)
- apple picking, apple crisp
- crossing west 4th at the exact same spot every morning in the dark so I can smell the fresh coffee brewing and croissant baking, wafting out of Patisserie Claude into the chilly air after his August vacation.
- Pumpkin carving
- Corduroy, sweaters and scarves
- Trick-or-treaters (even if we don't get any on 6th ave)