Yesterday I sent out my South Africa pictures on ofoto. Without a careful inspection, the one above appeared to be break-time on the top of Table Mountain (of course there was no missing Jen shoving a kit kat in her mouth, looking a bit like the baboon we had seen two days before). That was until I got it back in my mailbox from Liz titled "we could just title this one STUFFING FACE". And my eyes wandered from person to person realizing that, yup- count 'em - all four are absolutely chowing. And I started laughing out loud. And have been since. It's like in middle school when you started laughing with a friend - the tears rolled, the shoulders shaked, and teacher wrath was no match for the giggles. That's how I feel when I look at this picture. I love things like that. I laughed about it on the street walking to work and probably will on the way home. Im laughing now.