I love color. I think I've mentioned before that among my top 5 classes at Bates College was Color Theory. So interesting to see how one color changes another, or what goes into a shade. So I love finding color combination that happen organically. Like maybe you're chopping up vegetables and you look down in your white lined trash bag and there is a brilliant orange next to a really deep green you wouldn't have thought of on your own. This morning I had one of those aha moments. With a bright but faded blue towel on my head, and a seafoam towel wrapped around my shoulders I sipped my coffee out of a twilight colored Starbucks mug...and caught a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror and was loving the unity. So calming, and so beachy. Like a nice morning ocean wave. So after dressing I threw everything on the bed so you could enjoy it too (thought I'd spare you a self portrait in my towel in the early am).