I know I've talked about it before, but I love New York. And this week my favorite New York mag came out -- Reasons to Love New York. Sort of necessary at this time of year, and I appreciate their timeliness. It's cold and I think its just about when most New Yorkers wonder why they don't live in California. We're pasty white, freezing cold, still walking everywhere in our 80 layers, and thinking about the fact we have a good 3 months, if not more, of this in front of us. So being delivered a list of reasons why I get a kick out of the city is just what I needed and I wanted to share some of them with you in case you've also been perusing Kayak.com for tickets, well, anywhere.
Posted on nymag.com :
"I love New York because we order pizza from the Italian place across the street and have our laundry delivered. We take a taxi to the gym. We know exactly what we want out of life and careers but can't decide where to eat brunch. We make plans and don't keep any of them. We think a studio for $1,500 a month is a steal , but get pissed when the coffee guy raises his price 25 cents. We fight with cabbies about their driving skills, but we are 35 and have never had a driver's license" - Alexis Desieno
"I love New York. I refer to it as my abusive Boyfriend. It slaps me around a lot but I know Ill never leave it" - Gillian Rocher
"I love New York because in a city filled with 8 million people you can still run into your crazy ex-step mother at a deli in Times Square" - Elizabeth Ozembhoy
"because when your boyfriend breaks up with you at 2am on a Tuesday night, you can always find a bar that is full of hot people with a bartender that will feed you shots and a cute boy you can make out with" -kara Cady-Sawyer.
And the list goes on and on... Any beyond the personal shout outs, NYmag does a superb job at giving reasons we all love it -- #27. because you can find love underground (with real life stories of married subway-meeting couples), #31. Because we can eat warm chocolate bread pudding with bacon creme anglaise out of a truck (loving the MUD truck on my block), #33, because you can party on your way to your party (another subway shout out!), #34. because you can never finish seeing the MET (need to get back there asap), and my two favorite : #49, Because people will argue about anything (see Wash. sq facelift, or any dinner conversation Ive ever had) and #39. Because we're not actually that rude. This is what I always try to convince people of. Nothing thrills me on a day-to-day basis like giving someone directions. I love that I live in one of the more confusing areas of the city because it means visitors are more dependant on locals. I often slow down or take my earphones out when I walk by someone with a map. And I don't think I'm alone. I'm sort of ashamed to admit it, but sometimes i even butt in when I hear someone hesitate in the least giving directions. I've had strangers offer me tissues and give me sympathetic frowns when I cry on the street (who does that?), And Ive chased mothers down the block when a blankie drops out of their stroller. You just don't get these interactions in a non-walking, non-public transportation based area of the country. I look forward to my visits with my dry cleaner, my UPS man, and my newspaper man - all of whom I see more than my family, and I don't even know some of their first names. I smile every time I see a chivalrous man rush to help a woman with a stroller or suitcase up the subway steps and every time I see someone jump off their subway seat for an elderly or pregnant woman. New York is great because we all band together over our abusive boyfriend. Right now He's knocking us around with slush and wind, but in a short time we'll run into an old friend, meet a new one, eat at the BEST new hole-in-the-wall restaurant, or see the most amazing exhibit and our love with make us turn the other cheek for the next subway flood/cabless freezing night/long post office line.
But I digress.... its the 10th day of Christmas, and since the Ladies don't need to leap with the lords we've put the Alana wrap on sale. This adorable holiday skirt is perfect for Christmas eve/night! But since its a wrap, we'd suggest watching the leaping and not partaking...