Well, before we tell you today's sale -- let us, yet again, give a little shout out to our upbringing. You can ask any girl at Agnes Irwin her favorite day in school and 9 out of 1o will tell you its the Christmas Assembly. On the half day before
Christmas break the whole school of 500 packs into our very old gym and sits on the floor, lined up down the basketball court, by grade.
Kindergartners (in their ADORABLE smocks) closest to the stage, and the seniors at the far end, in front of the alumni. The administrators do a skit (including the head of the upper school prancing around as... Prancer), the Bel Cantos sing gorgeous Christmas carols joined by alumnae
bels, and then the grand finale. Arguably the most beloved teacher in the upper school, Dr. Barnett, stands to conduct the 12 days of Christmas, always
arms waving like a conductor, and he directs each class to stand and sing their day. A Partridge in a pear tree for kindergarten/first grade, 12 drummers drumming for seniors (the most loud,
boisterous, and sad since its their last year). And each grade bounces up and down upon their turn to sing. I'm pretty sure I cried through the silly string my senior year, and I still have a perfect mental image of Dr. Barnett - hovering at what seemed like 6 foot 8, hunching and waving, straight faced, at each class up to bat.
So today, in honor of our polo wearing past, Pattys and Ports are on sale for buy one get one free!! Select what you would like and enter GETONEFREE in the coupon code. Sale runs till next Tuesday - and snap up your Mills on sale till Monday!