Monday, December 22, 2008

Longer Days.

The good news is we've passed the shortest day of the year! Its all blue skies (almost) from here baby. But since there is always a silver lining I thought Id share an email that was sent to me after my post about liking 08. I'm hoping this friend doesnt mind that I shared this after he/she said he/she wanted to write privately. but it was such a nice thing to read, and I thought everyone else deserved to hear as long as I protected her/his anonymity :). Christmas lights and American flags in lights are great reasons for short days.

"Anyways I wanted to respond to your latest DM post, but didn't want to broadcast it publicly. I walked by the New York Stock Exchange a few nights ago because someone told me it was worth the walk (its a little farther away than my normal subway stop). I was awestruck. There is a beautiful tree, and the NYSE itself is lit up with lights to look like the American Flag. It literally took my breath away- and I stopped, and stared like every other tourist, and even took a picture that is now the background of my cell phone. Its so funny because the last few days I havent been able to stop thinking how blessed I am, and how many GOOD things happened in 2008. I'm glad you are on the same page :)"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Great in 08?

I was at a great dinner in a crowded warm Italian restaurant the other night with some friends and some acquaintances. We got on the topic of the new year, and everyone chimed in that 2008 sucked. Made me sad to think you could be that disheartened by an entire year. I know the state of the world is less than ideal right now as we close out, but I know for me being fulfilled personally gets me through hard times. I opened up my pics on my desktop to inspire something to write because I didn't really know what to address today... And just started pulling pictures chronologically. So here is a random smattering of things that made me happy this year. And there are plenty of holes, and this only takes us through August. I would have kept going but it is taking too much time. Time with family, a new puppy, and friends new and old--traveling, watching DM grow, dinner parties and dancing seem to be where you'll find me smiling most. I'm thankful for the places I saw the friendships I discovered or strengthened, and my family and the pup always. Looking forward to more of it in 09.
And looks like my snow wish is coming true! Enjoy all of your white Christmas parties this weekend!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I was hoping that because of last night I would wake up to this. I didn't, but it was a step in the right direction. Now just a little less wet and a little more sticky please! There is NOTHING like waking up to a snow covered city/town/backyard/street. I'm not sure if it completely stems knowing that at some point it meant waking up in a nice bright warm room excited for a snow day and sledding, or its just that beautiful that what could be better to wake to?!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sepia love.

I just love this old picture. I just love old pictures in general. I think I could write a blog with the stories I dream up in my head for what was going on at these exact moments. Its amazing the nostalgia that the coloring, or fading or fraying can evoke. Maybe the white cracks that feel like cotton balls, and that smell of photos that have been tucked in to shoe boxes for years on end. I think the holidays make us all nostalgic for something. I was talking with a friend this morning about how perfect Christmas feels when you're a wee one. Its like nothing could be wrong in the world if the house smells like pine, there is a fire in the fireplace, cookies on the table, and gifts under the tree. Every Christmas my sister and I would build a fort in her room and sleep there. We would slide open the big glass doors to the slate patio out back and leave a bunch of carrots on the ground. Then we'd place my mom's famous chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk on the coffee table. Every year, the predictable joke out of my father's mouth that Santa didn't look like he needed any more cookies and that maybe we should leave him carrots too. But I digress because this is really about the picture. You feel the same sort of innocence in playful smiles like these. They may not be 6 and listening for reindeer on the roof, but I like to think that at this exact moment they felt that innocent and blissful. I have so many pictures like this I can't get enough of. Quick moments of my grandfather kissing my grandmother, or just the two of them laughing together. I would say I am borderline photograph obsessed and can spend countless hours tearing my poor mother's organization apart to look at us running arond in 8os mini running shorts or on our big wheels. So this photograph is my friend's parents. She carries it around in her wallet, and its getting so light the moment has all but faded away. I took it from her a few months back to scan in on my computer so that there would be some copy of it somewhere where you can see these high school sweethearts paling around in the sun. I sent her and her mother a copy and it has sat on my desktop ever since. I like it too much to file away or toss. So here it is. And below is the girl in the photograph in her Dakota Martin poncho ;)

Monday, December 15, 2008

E News!

The Adorable news correspondent Ashlan Gorse who works for E! television recently wore some of Spring '09 on air. We're honored that Ashlan wanted to include us in her wardrobe and can't get over how great she looks in the Lilly top!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sun, Sun, Mr Golden Sun,

Wont you please shine down on me?! It has been so ho-hum gray! I was just checking out some "close to season" trends and this dress was an example for the maxi dress trend that lives on (a true love in my life). It is Roberto Cavalli 08, and I think it is just beautiful!! The yellow floral reminded me of sunnier days, so I thought I would share.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spring in Feb.

February certainly doesn't feel like spring, but it is when we start shipping it to our stores. Seems sort of nuts, but on the other hand I think we're all sick of wool and down by then. Our shockingly white skin may say no, but our fashion sense says free us of layers! I'm looking around at our floor and Shannon has ripped off plastic of many of our FALL '09 samples to start sharing with magazines... I'm not going to share those with you at the moment, but I will share one of our first spring pieces to hit stores... And what we're still bebopping around the city to share with editors. Pre order available on the blake top soon : ).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DM Hearts Trinity.

we love our trinity girls (and boys)! Who so graciously have us back season after season for great trunk shows hosted at Ivy. We are back at it Wednesday from 11 to 3. All the girls are always so sweet to us, and we love chatting it up will they check out the steals we're offering ;). Can't wait for more pics like these. Thanks for hosting and helping girls!!

Our other stop today:

Wish I could get hair and makeup done too before our trip to 4 Times Square :).

Monday, December 8, 2008


Obviously we're all looking to cut back a little this Christmas, so I share this fabulous gift idea for many reasons... For starters I am way behind in this department. I haven't bought one gift yet. Second is these pads are so great -- I use the non-personalized version every day at home and in the office. I'm also so very proud and impressed with all the phenomenal (and of course well deserved) press L & H have gotten lately. This Domino shout out makes me smile too because that is my sister's name! Who ever thought Jennifer Ann Sall - NOLS instructor extraordinaire, based in Lander, WYO would get a Domino Mag shout out?! So for all these reasons, and the fact that I'm having dinner with the founder tomorrow night and we have an appt at Domino tomorrow day -- I thought Id let you all in on this great gift, at such a ridiculously low price!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tis the Season!!

This morning at the gym I listened to "All I want for Christmas is you" on my ipod. Twice. In a row. Put me in the best mood and made me so happy that the season is here. Can't wait to watch Love Actually, A Christmas Story, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Can't wait for holiday parties, overcrowded stores, snow (please!!), advent calenders and mistletoe. We are off to DC!! Happy tree lighting New Yorkers!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Shopping!

Wednesday Shannon and I are headed to our Nation's capital to join in a 2 day holiday Trunk Show at The Landon School in Bethesda, Maryland. If you live in the area please stop by! Part of the proceeds with benefit this great school for boys.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

And I think to myself -

We could all probably use a little thanksgiving in every day of our year. Whether it be something as important as the roof over our head, or as seemingly insignificant as the kindness in someone holding a door, we might fret a lot less about the negatives seeing how many positives are in our lives. Especially at a time like this, right? Some are already hit much harder than others, some will be, but we all are worried. There is no one I know that feels unaffected by this crisis, or anyone who feel particularly secure in their jobs/bank accounts right now. However as I traveled home yesterday down the New Jersey turnpike none of that was running through my mind. I had woken up to Christmas carols on the radio (always a bonus in my book), felt healthy at the gym, and was lucky enough to have my father travel to get my car and then pull up at my doorstep to drive me home. My doormen had rushed to my aid as my too-many, overstuffed bags spilled out of the elevator, and I knew my mother and two sisters were waiting at home. I played DJ on the drive (always) and hearing Israel Kamakawiwo’ole sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” combined with “What a Wonderful World” actually brought tears to my eyes (huge nerd, I know). Two days ago I watched an Oprah (per usual-slightly embarrassing to admit) about “blue zones” in the world – those communities that have the longest living and healthiest people (in concentration) in the world. Oprah and Dr. Oz do health specials often so I don’t think this one was timed particularly because of the crisis or Thanksgiving, but it seemed so perfectly timed to me. Among other common factors there was the detail that all of these places have specific emphasis on community and family. Whether it is that families lived longer together, or friend/group activities were required or supplied they all had a strong weight on spending time with others and forming meaningful relationships. Turns out your best friend/boyfriend/sister, is as important for your heart as that olive oil and morning jog. And All I could think about was how much I was looking forward to this holiday or how everyone on the road and in the airport was in a hurry to see the sister they used to share a bedroom with, the cousin who used to pull their hair, or the uncle that gave them upside-down tickle tortures. I hope everyone can take today to forget about where their careers are headed or how much the Turkey cost. I hope there is a lot of touch football, eating and hugs. I also hope there is a lot of counting of blessings. I know I sat at a dinner table with 4 of the top of my list last night having already laughed a lot, having encouraged water fights, and having built a birthday gingerbread house. I wasn’t worried about our scarf top stock, or our DM AMEX bill (yikes), and won’t today either. Because as cheesy as it sounds – it is a wonderful world, and I’m so lucky to have my family, and friends, health and heat. I will count each name individually today, thank some in person, and continue to feel like if I just keep concentrating on the positive, the negative is all small potatoes (make that sweet or mashed). Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Black Friday

Hope everyone looks like this Friday -- although Black Friday experience tells me your sweater will be ripped, mascara running down your face, black eye/skinned knee perhaps. Oh, and don't forget stuck in traffic... Channel Julia by doing your shopping online instead :). If you didn't get our email, here is the info --
Time to shop for holiday tops and dresses and much much more! Go to ALL merchandise is 50% off for BLACK FRIDAY! Shopping starts now... through Sunday November 30th. Cheers!Lizzy and Shannon
Throw on a sun hat while sitting in your desk swivel chair if it helps. Happy shopping!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I like a well packaged product as much as a well packaged person (we are selling ourselves too kids!). Despite not being a chip eater (I'm a sweet girl), I always notice these Dirty Chip bags in stores. They are just SO dead on with all of their color combinations, they don't need anything else. I'd love to see the color charts in their art department.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I KNOW they can.

Today one of my best friend's in the world and her husband (also a very good friend!) set out for Arizona. Before you get jealous that they're headed for sunny skies, know that this is not a weekend off. This weekend is probably the most on weekend they have ever had. They are headed there to compete in an Ironman competition: 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run. You may remember last year when I went to South Africa to cheer on my sister Jen in hers. Well, they were with me -- and were so inspired they basically got off our 18 hour flight and dove head first into training for this one (and I might add ALSO signed up for Lake Placid summer '09). And they have spent the last many many months going farther and farther distances. More laps, more miles. These two are a team in more ways than one. They are married, they run their amazing company - Linda & Harriett together, and are now competing together. They wake up together, they work together they train together. And still go out to dinner together, go to many concerts together, travel together, and as you can see above, throw a great ugly sweater party together. If that's not inspirational I'm not quite sure what is.
And of course this training has come with its fair share of trials. Liz has found herself with knee issues that have persisted for many months now (and the word issues certainly doesn't do justice to the pain she has been put through). She has combed the city for every piece of advice/therapy/help that she can. She has proactively worked towards overcoming, she has simultaneously nurtured and fought her pain. Clearly this one is a fighter and a doer. Her mantra as crunch time has come has been "I think I can." I'm getting on a plane friday night. Camera, running sneakers, pom-poms in tow, and the mantra I'm tucking in my carry on is "I know they can." Because I've watched Liz come out on top of a lot of situations in life. She is a tough cookie, and she deserves this.
Last year as the marathon got closer I had to stop running because of foot problems. I'm embarrassed to be putting this out there, but I got so frustrated with limping around and being in pain I cried on the phone to my sister almost every day. And then suddenly Jen had to go into the field (NOLS speak for into the wild with students) and I couldn't cry to her every day. I mentioned this to Liz in passing and she read everything that was behind my attempt at a calm casual mention (okay so she could hear my voice crack as I tried not to cry telling her). She swooped in as my life coach and cheerleader till the end. And by that I mean the literal end. First notes, calls, gifts, and then she and my little sister jogged the last 6 miles with me. And as I pushed myself harder than I ever have for the last mile I had her voice in my ear -- steadfast, encouraging me to push past the others, to elbow through walkers if need be. Its rare to get that sort of support from outside your family. Unwavering and with no agenda. I'll never be able to fully thank her or explain what that meant to me, or what she always means to me. And to be honest she is family. And while this last bit has little to do with her Ironman, it explains to you a snippet of the kind of person she is and what she means to me. She deserves the finish line so very much. If something physical should hold her back, she really already deserves the medal for the last several months - as they say, the journey is the thing. Regardless of the outcome, our little cheering brigade will be the proudest group out there. I couldn't be more excited for Liz and John or happier that I'm able to be there. love you guys. Ready, Set................................

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Holiday Trunk Show.

Tomorrow night Shannon and I, KEP Designs, Kage Handbags, and Tucker Blair (Kelly, Krisitin and Taylor) are hosting a joint trunk show at my apartment building. Right now we're disregarding the fact that only 35 people are allowed in the space at once and we have about 100 respondents. Won't all be there at once right?! Instead we're baking cookies (double batch of batter this morning!), purchasing wine and cheese, and getting our gear in order. Hope to see you there - you need to get going on that Christmas shopping--let us help you!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Style House

Meet Janna! Janna is the founder and head of Style House PR, and we have just joined forces with her and Emily (her assistant) to get the DM name out there on the radar. Janna and Emily represent many (awesome) lines which you can find on her site. She has done a fantastic job getting them great recognition, and has already been a huge help to us! below is an example of what we have worked on with her so far -- our "about" page. We did other informational bits, and are now poised to jump into market appointments with publications - be it in our showroom or a "desk side" (learned that from her!). Janna and Emily are as sweet as they are capable, so Shannon and I are proud to align forces and make sure that more of you out there know who we are!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall Fabs

What I was staring at all morning. Here is a sneak peak of fall 09 colors. A few of them anyway. Happy weekending! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Daily Obsession!

Here is a November shout out the Valerie Top got from Daily Obession! We loved this blog already, and can't get over how cute Alana and the Valerie look surrounded with their text. Thanks guys!! The Valerie is still available for purchase here in lipstick pink or charcoal.

AIS reunion

Thanks to Megan Flinn for organizing an AIS gathering last night. Shannon and I always love catching up with High School girls (and Mr. Frank!) we dont get to see all the time. And Megan wore her DM poncho! How cute does she look?!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Van Gogh and The Colors of The Night at MoMA

These are two exhibits I'm dying to go see. I use the term dying loosely, as I could have gone already and have not. And I think half the reason I'm posting them is so that I feel obligated to go (the other half is so you can see them too). I know I'll feel like a kid in a candy store once Im there. Both are favorites of mine at my fingertips. How could I not?!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Honoring Veterans

Today is November 11th and Veterans Day. A national and state holiday. While Dakota Martin is not honoring our veterans with a day off, we do have great respect and gratitude for the inspiring men and women who have served and are serving our country.
In honor of this and one individual in particular we are both participating in a 4.5 mile run/walk this Sunday hosted my the Lead The Way Fund, "established to raise funds in support of families of U.S. Army Rangers who have died, have been disabled or who are currently serving in harm's way around the world. The funds raised will provide spouses and children of deceased, disabled or active duty Rangers with assistance for health and wellness programs and other financial aid programs. The Lead The Way Fund, Inc. was created in honor of Sgt. James J. Regan who was killed in Iraq while serving with Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment."

While neither of us knew James, he was a dear friend of friends of ours and we feel lucky to be able to honor him, and those who have come before and after, by running down the Westside Highway in red, white and blue, and by donating to the fund. If you are interested in joining us and participating in the run this Sunday, or donating, check out their site.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I saw this with my father last night. Definitely one of the more disturbing films I've seen in a while which I was not expecting. I was actually sort of scared I wouldn't be able to sleep. Anyway, what struck me in addition to how upsetting it was, was a. that Angelina Jolie is one of the most beautiful women on the face of the earth (I would like to look like that with bright red lips and that hat on please), and b. that I think the '30s, '40s fashion in this film will have a big influence in upcoming seasons. I was certainly eating up every ensemble Ang sported. Its funny how things like this work their way onto the runways but they certainly do. Vera Wang and others being influenced by HBO shows like Deadwood is why we see the neck ruffles and collars etc that we do right now and for the last few seasons. Ive been reading about "Paris of the Orient" as an upcoming trend. When they talk about the Orient Express and other art deco-ish type things there is a lot of this forties fashion. I think this movie will help push that even more. And of course, kudos to Clint Eastwood for another job well done.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Maybe we should say TGIF less, or just TGI-whatever day it is more. Sure, weekends are great, but making your weeks great too is no one's responsibility but your own I think. As I like to say everything is really make your own fun (pic is Shan and I making our own fun at the hunt!), cause if you're bored, or annoyed, or disinterested who else's fault is it?

Last Friday Shannon and I sat in a meeting room at the Hotel National in Moscow having a discussion about contracts, fees, and obligations at about 7:30 pm. Our meeting had been pushed back for hours, we were late to meet or dinner group, it was raining pretty hard, there was lots of traffic, and bad Russian pop filtering out from a neighboring wedding. I jotted down notes as the translator spoke when I noticed a quote at the bottom of the hotel provided folders. It said

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” - Emerson.

And I paused, stopped listening to the translator (oops), and jotted that down instead. Funny to find Emerson when we are both so far from home but it really struck a chord. Suddenly I didnt mind searching for our car in the downpours or a 10 hour plane ride home two days later. There are negatives in both I could have focused on. But after calmly finding the driver he was sweet enough to park his car and with no umbrella, lead Shannon and I underground and down the street to our restaurant - not a word spoken - just to be sure we got there okay, without a word of understanding. You realize when you choose not to be worried by the small stuff, there is such greater good stuff. The quote is kinda corny, I know. But Im writing it ;) so I can say, TGIF, TGIS, TGIS, TGIM, TGIT...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cyber Shout!

Our google searcher (don't remember the name) that alerts us every time we're mentioned on the Internet, kindly informed us on Monday that Misouper, a shopping blog gave a shout to our Nancy Dress! They said "It’s time. You must go shopping for your holiday party outfit.This Nancy dress from Dakota Martin makes your task simple: it’s cashmere, and therefore luxe; body-framing without being jelly-roll clingy; and can be dressed up with a little shiny jacket, or down with tights and a lovely silk shirt underneath. You can wear it to the office soirée, your friend’s cocktail bash, and your parents’ house, gliding in on the alchemy of making one dress look like three."Thanks Misouper! We couldn't agree more. And its still available in Navy and Black. Be the cutest at Tgivs, your office bash, Hanukkah dinner or Christmas Eve (yes, none of those are far away ;) ).

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hap hap happiest birthday to my best friend, business partner, OM, Brodie and BF. Here she is prepping for her huge bday bash... HA. Yeah right - not our Shan. Bday's are to be kept on the DL. She ran away to the west coast even!! Here she is yesterday before a shoot (how good does she look?!) we did for a story to go in Denver Magazine. Fancy stuff. Thanks Ports.

Shannie - I hope you have the bestest birthday ever, and Libby takes good care of you (I know she will). Thanks for being the best and for wanting to hang out even after we leave the office :). And for always reminding me to have a good time (oops, is this an inappropriate for DM? You do look so good in the top!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get out and Vote!

And look cute doing it please!

Monday, November 3, 2008

We're baaaack.

Team DM is back in action at HQ. We spent the morning cleaning out the office (much needed) for a photo shoot tomorrow (more on that later), and are all ready to settle back in. What is to come of our Russian trip is yet to be seen. I don't think I ever explained exactly why were there in the first place. The short of it is, a new large showroom space catering to Russia and former Soviet nations is opening in Crocus City, just outside of Moscow. The plan to cater to a large gap in their market -- the contemporary market that falls between luxury brands and let's say - H&M. They are looking for brands from all over the world that they feel offer something unique. Anyway - now that we have a better feel for what we would be getting into its time to mull over contracts.
In the Meantime I have some Russian observations to make. For starters there are a lot of Mullets in Moscow. I was say legitimately over half the population of males have them. I was so sorry I didn't take any pics, but I google imaged "Russian Mullet" and got the image above with "typical Russian Mullet" under it. Truer words have never been spoken. Women too like highly styled hair. I realized towards the end of the week that long thick hair - even messy layers like we favor here - are very uncommon in Russia. Everything looks much more deliberate. The streets of Moscow are immaculate, even though it is tough to find a trashcan. Wish we could say the same about NYC. While it was pretty warm while we were there we saw NO fur trapper hats like EVERYONE joked we should sport. The one we saw was in Tsum - the very high end dept store. And it was Pucci! Not even a Russian label. Also-we felt very safe! Much to the contrary of all warnings. It was interesting how few people spoke English though, and how many assumed we spoke Russian. Believe it or not I think the picture above is my favorite from the trip, despite all the beautiful architecture we saw. Due to our ignorance of the Russian language we had some good laughs trying to figure things out. Most took us a few extra tries. Whether it was three different trips up a museum staircase in attempt to get in, each time being yelled at for not understanding Russian rules (a word to the wise-you must always check bags and coats at Russian establishments, and NO bananas in exhibits), or having this stray pitter-a patter at Shannon's heels for blocks on end after weaving through alleys and yards to find the street, we were clearly in a new environment.

Lastly, we should share that after arriving in Moscow every American we met that lived there nearly fell over when we told them we flew Aeroflot - fondly nicknamed we soon learned- "aeroflop." We're thinking everyone is sort of a snob for this - yes the planes seemed a bit old, yes we were the only Americans on them, and YES someone got in trouble for SMOKING on our flight home, but hey - we landed on perfect time, in one piece, going to and from... Who can complain?!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Official Business.

As our first official order of business here in Moscow, Shannon and I were invited to a dinner with many other lines at the Metropol Hotel in downtown Moscow. We're told its from the time of the czars, and it is the only 5 start hotel of its age in Russia. The dining room was grand with probably 3 story ceiling height, an old bar in the front and many tables in front of our large banquet table in the back of the room. Anna (the Russian woman who first discovered our line in NYC and invited us over), Shannon and I were the first to arrive, so we sat front and center with Victoria (the founder of the showroom), her father Igor, and his interpretor. What we didn't realize when we sat down was that we were to be the only American's at the table. Not that I'm complaining trust me, just a situation you don't often find yourself in these days. As the other guests slowly filed in our table had three languages going at any given moment. To my right sat a Russia now living in Milano and helping to run a showroom of 30 odd brands, and two Lithuanians, current residents of Moscow, representing a Lithuanian designer. To our left were a french woman and man with their brand, An Italian woman (the other half of the showroom), a Ukranian girl who lives in Brooklyn there representing Bulga (the handbags) and a British pair. Most spoke many languages (leaving Shannon and I feeling like morons), but the french only spoke french, Mr. Shamus only Russian, and us, only English. So every toast had three mouth pieces at once and many different versions of cheers.

We tried many authentic Russian dishes - blinis, salmon, a special chicken salad, Cabbage pickled in beet juice (my favorite, no foolin) and veal in some sort of puff. No matter how much we put on our plates or how little Victoria and her father ate, we were constantly being berrated for not having enough... It was a fantastic night complete with original Russian instruments playing on the balcony with a Russian singer while we chatted away. Didn't feel much like business :). But that was continued yesterday and today. More on that later.
PS. WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO for the Phils!! Shannon and I were so floored to see our city as champs, and only sorry we couldnt watch it in real time. Next year ;).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Moscow days 1 and 2

So we didn't get in till early evening yesterday, by the time we made it through Customs (fill out forms? What forms? Why do the two of us so often feel out of the loop?) and drove into Moscow - they have some serious traffic issues here. Anyway, we made it safe and sounds and walked around and had an early dinner. We stumbled upon what seems to be the Balducci's of Moscow, though I can't even type the name (different set of keys!) or write it phonetically... have no idea. The building is amazing! Look at these chandeliers! Little more history there than at 13th and 8th.
I also have a thing for food labels in other countrys. However -- this was more because what Milk is going in glass bottles unrefrigerated?? Yikes.
Today we cruised around the Red Square and the Kremlin. This church was inside the Kremlin which took us a while to figure out how to get into :). The structures here are incredible and I can not wrap my head around how they were ever built in they years that they were.