So New York being New York in the spring means I randomly saw people on the street all weekend long. 2 of which were Vermont friends in for the weekend who appeared at the top of the w4th street station wth rolly suitcases as Teacake and I were hanging out on the street (which we do a lot of). I met Heidi and Ave for a drink later that evening (in that amazing weather) and Heidi brought along her cousin. Her cousin brushed off my questions about how he occupies his time in the city, and said "I guess you could say that" when I said Heidi had told me he worked in the art world. Heidi had to step in and inform me that he was a working artist whose piece had just been featured in a show at the MoMA and that they were considering purchasing it. He butted in only to say that it was only one piece in a show of many artists. No big, right? Anyway - I of course, very curiously, looked it up. Not only do all of Jonathan Harris' projects look incredible (for lack of a better word, which there always seems to be a lack of words when it comes to complimenting art--most feel trite or vague) but the one featured at the MoMA is an outstanding compilation of the crazy cultural developments going on all around us -- and done in such a harmonious manner that just how each element applied comes together is staggering, nevermind how the heck the computer programming (which he did) was done. The piece is called "I Want You to Want Me" and I won't even butcher the concept by explaining it. I will let you check it out for yourself on his websiteand watch the video about it on youtube. One phrase from the youtube video I really liked was that the personal information people share about themselves on dating websites is "very fertile ground for building a mosaic of humanity." How cool?