Gorgeous spring weather is here! And thank goodness for it coinciding with Intermezzo - helps put our happy buyers in shopping moods as they hit the Piers (keep you fingers crossed for us).
Here is an updated picture of Teacake, who may have had his last L L Bean tote subway ride yesterday am. My arm almost ripped out of it's socket (I think we're pushing 25 lbs). Walking to work takes us a little extra time, and we might not always clock in exactly when we want to, but what a great way to see Manhattan in the morning. Much better than underground, even if I do love talking with people on the subway.
I had a few favorite sights this morning thanks to our walk. First was a 5 year old girl on Greenwich Avenue. She was wearing a powder pink cotton dress, with powder pink pants underneath. Her hair was in slight disarray (as a 5 year old's should be) and she was running towards her mother at the parking meter shrieking (in a cute, not obnoxious way) that she wanted to feed the meter, and her mother, very genuinely, profusely apologizing like she just dropped her neighbor's china, that she had already done it by accident. Reminded me of being in the back row of my aunt's minivan when she would pull almost through the toll booth on the way to the shore so that my cousin and I could squeeze our chubby little fingers out those minivan-slit windows to pay the Jersey turnpike tolls - such glory. My second favorite sight was glancing down Bank Street, cobblestoned and lined with perfectly green trees rustling in the breeze, with a very sharply dressed (suited) man walking smack down the center with his briefcase. Perfect Manhattan photo op.
Hope you get to get out and enjoy the weather!