Last night a friend pestered me until I agreed to go on a run and do some stair training. We climbed the 40ish flights in my apartment building and I saw the roof for the first time (don't ask why we were climbing stairs, there is good reason). The view on top was well worth the hike, even if that were the only reason we were huffing and puffing. We stood on the south side and stared downtown, on the most beautiful night this fall. The twin tower memorial beams lit the bottom tip of the island and shot straight up into the night. It took us a minute to even realize what they were, but it certainly stopped us both in our tracks when we did. I could relive every second of today, seven years ago for you and I wasn't even in this city - I was on a quiet sunny campus in Lewiston, Maine. It is hard to believe it was seven years ago, still hard to believe it is a reality, and hard to believe how far this city has come since. Last year I posted my favorite thing I read in the aftermath - an article from The Miami Herald. Still gives me chills. I came out in my red white and blue today - I hope you did too, though from the looks of everyone else on the street, its not likely! On my feet today - [top image taken from]