Monday Shannon and I got our Hunt forms in the mail. Best day of all 365, and for the third year and counting Dakota Martin will be hosting a plot with transportation to The Race at Far Hills in Far Hills, NJ. The first year we rented a party bus (which we didn't even fill when people pathetically bailed last minute in the rain) with one plot, while last year we sold out a real bus and had one plot. Turns out a Greyhound worth of people is a little much for one plot. The recommended "15 people" per space might be lowballing it a little, but 49 was sardines. So this year we are most certainly upgrading to two plots. We're still toying with the idea of two buses. In the meantime, mark your calenders for October 18th and you'll be receiving an invite from yours truly shortly. And look! It's even cool this season :) Here is a page out of the most recent Women's Wear Daily Accessories. Grab your houndstooth, quail feathers and black swatch plaid (things that are always in, in my mind) and you'll be set for New Jersey and the whole season!