This afternoon I'm off to Wyoming to See my sister Jen, and my other sister Kathryn is meeting me there. I'm ontheedgeofmyseat excited to get out there for a bit. We visited last summer, and Wyoming might rival Maine as the prettiest state of all 50 - and maybe they can tie because they are ever so different. What is also so different is my lifestyle in Manhattan, NY (for example below is her house on the ranch... just a little different than w 24th street) and hers in Boulder, WY. There is nothing like a nice change of pace to refresh. I'm looking forward to some nice hikes, maybe another go at fly fishing (above is Jen teaching me last summer), riding a NOLS re-ration on the ponies (!), and hanging out with my favorite two sisters in the whole wide world. My apologies in advance for no blog in the beginning of next week, but I promise to make up for it with pictures of the beautiful Tetons and Winds when I return!! (oh - and I get to meet the dog she just took home from the pound -- Wilbur, named after the pig from Charlotte's Web because she is so fat :) )