Today is just that - another day at the office. And I'm sitting here in my Tracy Reese dress, freshly showered in flip flops thinking about that phrase because as we rode through the Wind Rivers on horseback Monday my sister Jen and Nerren Pratt (ranch staff), kept saying just that. Half kidding, half not. A 14 hour day starting at 520 am--loading ponies, trailering to the road-head and riding through the mountains for 10 hours - including narrow trails, rocky hills, and streams - to deliver food and supplies to mountaineering groups in need of a resupply. We found them--my sister at the helm with her maps (and two pack ponies) to guide. I mean, really over the river and through the woods here. We rocked out to Sugarland in the car, and I left with a legitimate 1/4 inch layer of dirt on every surface of my body. We watched the sun rise over 3 Peaks Ranch on our way out, and watched it set over the Wind River Region on our way home. Kathryn, Ben, Kid (Nerren's dog) and I shared the back bench of our white flat bed pick up, and the 8 horse, cobalt blue trailer, trailed behind. Kid chased cattle out of our way - every time running back to Nerren for the okay, and as soon as he heard "PUSH 'EM" he heroically took off and swept our path, and we soon found two separate groups in seemingly infinitesimally small points in the universe thanks to nothing but a map. A map. I have trouble finding people with cross streets and cell phones. It sounds corny and dramatic, but I kept thinking about the Eleanor Roosevelt quote "Do the thing you cannot do." Not because this was something I "couldn't do," but more because it is so fascinating to be a part of a completely different world for any amount of time and we forget how different the world can be, and sometimes how easily we can dip our toes into these alternate universes. And do those things we never do. Makes me want to get out there and try many more things. In time I guess. For now I'm thankful for having been an active part of 3 Peaks for however short a time (and however useless I was - thanks again Nerren for being so patient with us!). I wish I could have stayed longer. Stay tuned for some WYO hot fashion tips tomorrow.