I bought (or was forced to buy) my first pair of $32 jeans since maybe middle school. Did you know such a thing in the adult world existed?? I would have called it urban myth if it weren't for my visit to the Cowboy Shop, Pinedale, WYO. Also turns out these western cats were onto skinny jeans long before J brand. Mine were "shrink to fit" jeans, so I came out of the dressing room with jeans about 8 inches too long and 2 inches too wide, and through their tears of laughter Jen and Nerren approved them as if they fit like a glove. Turns out they would one wash/hot dry cycle later. The clothes are worn for utility though, and how sexy do so many cowboys look? Jeans for thickness against the saddle, boots to protect your toes from hooves, hats to protect your porcelain skin, and sleeves and collars to keep bugs at bay. Below is Ben in his new threads - even cheaper jeans. $22!! I actually think they look pretty snazzy. As does the pearl snap shirt he bought. Both very authentic cowboy, but still a-okay on the streets on NYC. I fully encouraged him to wear them at College this fall. Mine on the other hand...They'll be put away with care for my next trip out west - When in Rome.