Well here I am on my first day back in NYC after seven years living in Colorado and Los Angeles. Initially, my east coast upbringing made me eager to take on the new challenges of living outside the tristate region. I soon realized that however brilliant the picturesque Colorado mountains and the sunny beaches of Los Angeles seemed, their still was a sullen feeling of unfulfillment. The daydreams I conjured up for the better part of a decade were comprised of beautiful faces and stunning smiles--not the postcard skyline of the greatest city around. While most people are attracted to allure of "the industry" and beautiful weather of Southern California, Los Angeles seemingly attracts both the most talented creative types in the world and the worst cultural sponges imaginable. It is important for all of you out there to know that Dakota Martin embodies the freedom and excitement in which a successful entrepreneurial firm has the unique quality of fulfilling. Every skirt, polo, or mailer (my first job was printing labels today) embodies their true passion and will only continue to drive them to continued successes. It is incredible to see where the rubber meets the road and how two distinctly different spirits can deploy their skills with such fervor and eloquence. I'm uneasy with anticipation as we all wait and see the final cuts on the spring line....but with much assurance, it should be the biggest hit yet. Until we speak again...