as much as I hate it really. I think most people here have a love hate relationship with this tiny island. When Ive been away hiking, want to go apple picking, or have a legitimate back yard barbecue I think I could leave this crowded concrete and never look back. More often than not however, I have moments where I can't help but smile (all by myself) at things that remind me of why I love living here. By the time I have my second cup of coffee Ive usually had at least 3 conversations with strangers. Before the sun comes up I've walked by groups still out from the night before, predominantly stiletto clad cross dressers. And by the time I get off the subway Ive listened to conversations, watched interactions between couples, and
analyzed outfits. If you could look in my head you'd see a running news ticker of everything going on around me. This morning I watched a man on all fours, on busy 8
th Avenue, filling blocks of the side walk with "God is Great" and I walked by a man shaving a non-
existent beard with a disposable
razor as he walked
hurriedly down the street. There is nothing like the visual stimulation you get here. People ask Shannon and I where we get our inspiration from, while we always include a piece of us (home) in our work, it shocks me that anyone who walks these streets everyday would ask where a creative New Yorker gets inspiration from. Its all in front of your face.
So today I found myself smiling again at the
Javits center in a chaos filled line with no
English speakers. I thought Id hop over there from the office and beat out all the other runners needing to pick up their chips and bibs for
Sunday's marathon. Instead, I found myself among hundreds of foreigners of ALL shapes and sizes lining up within an hour of the
ING NYC Marathon expo opening . We shuffled through for registration and I just smiled as I watched groups, individuals, couples, mother/daughter pairs, take picture after picture of the front lobby of the
Javits center. Some must have traveled from half way around the world to participate in this weekends event and they cant get enough, even if for that moment it was an austere characterless box. I love people, and I love interacting with new people everyday. I have a feeling this will be a big weekend of that. I will be reminded time and time again of why I love New York, and I am thankful for that.